Thursday, March 10, 2011

Girl's Night

Last night a few of us had a girl's night over at Jenny's house. All of the boys are out hiking, so we got together for dinner and a movie. Fun times! We ate tacos (always a favorite) and watched Sister Act 2. Watching the movie brought back some fun memories of high school and doing "Joyful, Joyful" in Buhler Singers. It was hard for me to not get up and do the dance along with the movie! Also, Jenny's apartment is covered with wedding magazines, since she is getting married in October. We had fun looking through the magazines and checking out what we all liked, even though Jenny is the only one getting married!

This weekend, Tiffany Buck and her two boys are coming up to hang out since Joe is hiking with the rest of the boys. I'm excited! I think we're going to go to the beach on Saturday, if the weather is nice enough. I need another good beach day before the summer is over!

Another exciting thing (to me, at least) is that my cousin, Ashley sent me a new picture of my baby cousins! There are three now-Elijah is 3, Andrew is 2 and Micah is a month and a half old! I was so excited to get a new picture, because I hadn't seen any new ones with all three of them. Check out the cuteness:

That's about it for now. Just a little update!

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