Monday, September 20, 2010


With the coming of September came my 27th birthday! AHHHH!! As you can tell from some of the pictures, I went through a "AHHH!! I'm old!" phase and put a couple of pink streaks in my hair. Ha. Overall, I had a great birthday! On the actual day, the ministry team went out to lunch at my favorite Thai restaurant. It is a small, family-owned business, so the same people are at work every time we're in there. The girl who always waits on us gave me a hug and told me happy birthday! Ha!

In the evening, Jenny, Amber, Amanda and Tiffany came over for a spaghetti dinner, complete with a Dr. Pepper from the international food store at one of the malls here. After dinner, we went and saw a movie, then came back to my place for chocolate fondue dessert! Yummmm!!!! The girls and I had a great time.

On the night following, a group of adults/young adults went out to dinner at one of the only Mexican restaurants in town! The food was good, just a sweeter type Mexican than I'm used to. Jenny made a birthday cake that was delicious as well! See below for some fun pics...

Friday, September 10, 2010


One of the most exciting things that has happened in the past month is that it is getting warmer! We are in the Spring of things here. After basically going from winter to winter, it has been a nice change to have warmer weather. It will really be weird to have a hot Christmas!

The past month has been filled with activities and business, as usual. One thing in particular is that I have been to 2 Central Coast Mariner's games. This is soccer. (Actual soccer as American's see soccer). It has been fun to get involved in cheering for the "home" team.

Another exciting event is that Joe and Tiffany Buck, my fellow HIM workers, arrived in Australia on the 31st of August! I am so excited for them to be here! They will be working with the SouthWest Church of Christ in Campbelltown, which is about an hour and a half away from Gosford. I was able to go down to Campbelltown for a couple of days to help the Buck's (and their two little boys, Jude and Pax) get settled in. They thought me driving around so easily on the other side of the road was crazy, but from what I hear, they have been doing their fair share of driving now. It is going to be a real blessing to have them here in Australia. I know they will do great!